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Oakgrove Integrated Primary & Nursery School, Limavady

Welcome to Learning Support

A warm welcome to the Learning Support area of the website from Ms Wilson & Ms Young.

All staff in Oakgrove Integrated Primary & Nursery School believe in an inclusive ethos and that every pupil has an entitlement to develop their full potential while being educated alongside their peers.  Educational provision in OIPNS addresses children’s particular learning difficulties / differences / disabilities, as well as facilitating the efficient education for other children with whom they are educated.

We provide educational experiences which develop all pupils’ achievements and recognise individuality.  We value diversity and embrace it to support the learning of all. As an Integrated School we work towards identifying and minimising the barriers to learning and provide equal opportunities for all.  We provide a broad, balanced, relevant and appropriately challenging curriculum suitably differentiated to meet individual needs.  

Oakgrove Integrated Nurture Centre

At Oakgrove IPNS we have the facility to offer children placement in our on-site Nurture Centre, under the leadership of our specialist teacher Mrs Julie Young. Under COVID19 Return to school guidance, our Nurture Centre provision is currently being withheld. We will review this provision weekly, and will hopefully be able resume onsite Nurture provision in the future.


Simply put, 'Nurture' means to nourish, educate, help and grow. This is what all school life is about. However, a nurture centre allows extra space, time and support to be given to each child to help their growth. Nurturing is especially valuable for young pupils who may find school too long, too challenging and who may be overwhelmed. At school these children can seem too quiet, noisy or lonely. In the Nurture Centre pupils are able to grow, develop and learn at their own pace while receiving additional reassurance and support.


Nurture is the opportunity to develop one-to-one relationships between staff and children. In the centre trust, sharing, caring, turn-taking and building self-esteem will be central. The children will receive that extra time, attention and individual care that may not be possible in a busy, mainstream class.


The day will begin and close in their normal class setting where pupils will register before being taken to the Nurture Centre. Pupils will continue to take part in class activities such as art, ICT, music, educational trips and assemblies.The Nurture Centre will support the aims of the Northern Ireland Curriculum and pupils continue to follow the statutory programmes of study.

Looking at Nurture



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Marvelous March in Nursery PM Class
Marvelous March in Nursery PM Class
21st Mar 2025


At Oakgrove Integrated Primary School and Nursery our purpose is learning together for life and celebrating diversity.  We aim to provide child centred education in an integrated environment, where families and the wider community are involved.  We are an integrated learning community which seeks to learn together, of and from one another, regardless of creed, race, gender or ability.

Below are some supporting activities.
