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Oakgrove Integrated Primary & Nursery School, Limavady


Welcome to Primary 4.

Ms Sweeney, Mrs Williamson & Ms Wilson are all looking forward to helping each of you grow and progress in Primary 4. We have a lovely year planned with lots of exciting activities. 

Please check Seesaw regularly.  

Below you will find some fun games to help with your Maths, Literacy and Topic work in Primary 4. We hope you enjoy them. 


Flip Counter
ICT Games


Oxford Owl
Login with the
information your
teacher gave you.


The Wildlife Trust Activities
Things to do at Home

Although we are inside we must keep our bodies moving. 

We have put up a few suggestions and some of our favourites.

Have a go and let us know how you get on. 

Joe Wicks
P.E. with Joe
Joe Wicks
5 Minute Move | Kids


Multiplication Tables (Adult Supervision)


P4 Paired Reading Programme

Primary 4 Paired Reading Programme will begin on begin on Monday 14th October and run for 6 weeks.

This programme replaces reading and written homeworks for the 6 weeks.

More information will be posted on Seesaw. 

Oxford Owl
Login with the
your teacher
gave you.

Please Use
Google Chrome

Audible Stories
Free Audible
Books for

Key Stage 1 News

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Green Screen for World Book Day 2025
Green Screen for World Book Day 2025
7th Mar 2025
Today everyone in Oakgrove was invited to the P5/P6 resource area to have their photograph taken with a green screen background.  The teachers suggests backgrounds that were related to books and topics the children were learning about. It was really fun and the UICT Geniuses along with Mrs Concannon and Ms Martin did a wonderful job.  Well done everyone.

We began the year by learning how to animate using iMotion.  We got our resources from Twinkl and we made an animation about our senses. 

Music from Audio Network (ANW1919_01_Chilli-Popcorn, ANW1901_01_High-Definition, ANW1888_03_Gentle-Rain, ANW1945_05_Dirtbox)

We will be making another animation at the end of the year where we make our own backgrounds and characters.