The Northern Ireland Curriculum
All schools in Northern Ireland follow the Northern Ireland Curriculm. Click on the picture below to visit the quick guide for parents.
Click here to visit The Northern Ireland Curriculum site for a more detailed overview.
The Education Authority (EA)

The Education and Library Boards (ELBs) were dissolved on 31 March 2015. The Education Authority was established on 01 April 2015 and is now responsible for all of the operational functions previously carried out by the five ELBs in accordance with the Education Orders.
The Education Authority (EA) was established under the Education Act Northern Ireland 2014 and became operational on 01 April 2015. It is a non-departmental body sponsored by the Department of Education. EA is responsible for ensuring that efficient and effective primary and secondary education services are available to meet the needs of children and young people, and support for the provision of efficient and effective youth services. These services were previously delivered by the five Education and Library Boards:
- Belfast Education and Library Board
- North Eastern Education and Library Board
- South Eastern Education and Library Board
- Southern Education and Library Board
- Western Education and Library Board
A significant change programme to harmonise policies and the delivery of services in the new organisation is under way and will continue for a number of years.
The majority of services are unaffected by the change process at this stage and will continue to be delivered locally by the same people in the same locations.