R.E. at Oakgrove
Central to the teaching of R.E. in any primary school in Northern Ireland is the Core syllabus as agreed by the four main Christian Churches in Northern Ireland. At Key Stages 1 & 2, the syllabus has 3 areas:
- The Revelation of God
- The Christain Church
- Morality
The Core Syllabus does not introduce the study of world religions until Key Stage 3 at which point they are optional.
CEA information for Foundation Stage
CEA information for Key Stage 1 & 2
The Core Syllabus is treated as core, as 'the main part', however, it is important in a integrated school, and in any school that sees itself as part of a multi=cultural society and global community, to study other religions. Aside from various Christian denominations, a variety of other religions, faitsh and none. are respresented in the school.
Approaches to RE:
Teachers try to make R.E. Relevant, Integrated and Inclusive.
Our children are supported in these areas as well as the Roman Catholic children being prepared for Children's Masses, the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation. It is our aim to support children to grow in their own faith and to learn about the faith of others, including the main world religions, such as Christianity, Buddism, Islam, Sikhism, Judaism, Jehovahs Witness and Bahai, as well as looking at the Agnostic beliefs.
We have daily prayers and assembly three times a week.
We are supported by all the local churches, receive visits from local clergy and visit the local churches for services, including Harvest and Christmas Carol Service.
We appreciate the support of:
Rev D McBeth, All Saints Church of Ireland Church, Clooney, All Saints Clooney
Fr M Gallager, St Columb's Church, Chapel Road Waterside Parish
Rev P. Linkens, Ebrington Presbyterian Church Ebrington Presbyterian Church
Rev Johnston, Clooney Hall Methodist Church Methodist City Mission
The Staff at St Oliver Plunkett Church, Strathfoyle
Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints
Members of the Children's Evangelical Fellowship
Members of the Jehovah's Witness Community
Assemblies Gallery
P5 Church Visits

Jehovah Witness Links
- Edit Text
- The Story of creation
- The story of the 10 lepers
- Solomon acts wisely- story 63
- Salvation at the Red Sea
- What can we learn from Abraham: Genesis 18
- Jacob, Esau and the Stew : Genesis 25:27-34
- God Made Heaven & Earth audio story
- God made the first man & woman
- Cain & Abel - A good son and a bad son - audio story
- Jesus Cleanses the Temple - audio story
- Giving Makes You Happy
- Pray for others
- Endure despite unfair treatment
- Make the truth your own ( song 56)
- Make True Friends
- Forgive Freely
- Jehovah will help you be bold & brave
- Be Humble ~ 1: Peter 5:5
- Be humble - Caleb learns what it is to be humble