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Oakgrove Integrated Primary & Nursery School, Limavady

Birthday Messages from people you may know.

5th Feb 2017

The children in the school wrote to people they know and admire telling them about our 25th birthday celebrations.  They received some wonderful replies.

Lewis' Letter from J.K. Rowling
Lewis' Letter from J.K. Rowling
Emma's Letter from Emma Thompson
Emma's Letter from Emma Thompson
Emma's Signed Photo from Emma Thompson
Emma's Signed Photo from Emma Thompson
Zach's Letter from David Walliams
Zach's Letter from David Walliams
Zach's Letter from David Walliams
Zach's Letter from David Walliams
Zach's Letter from David Walliams
Zach's Letter from David Walliams
Thomas' email from SOAK AKA Bridie Monds-Watson
Thomas' email from SOAK AKA Bridie Monds-Watson
Oisin's email from President Higgins
Oisin's email from President Higgins
Eoghan's email from Bryan Adam's Agent
Eoghan's email from Bryan Adam's Agent
Oakgrove's Message from Cheylene of the Wonder Villians
Oakgrove's Message from Cheylene of the Wonder Villians