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Oakgrove Integrated Primary & Nursery School, Limavady


2016/2017 School Year

25th Oct 2016
Some of our choir members, who are performing at the NSPCC Concert , represented...
14th Oct 2016
Primary 5A were delighted to be invited to attend the launch of the Arpillera exhibition...
11th Oct 2016
Today Primary 5 travelled to Belfast to the Ulster Museum to see Takabuti, the Ancient...
5th Oct 2016
Pupils, parents, staff and governors of Oakgrove Integrated Primary School are looking...
20th Sep 2016
Both P1 classes have visited our Mud Kitchen for the first time this week. ...
20th Sep 2016
All our P1 children are enjoying learning their new sounds in class.  This week...

2015/2016 School Year

22nd Jun 2016
Thank you to Catherine and Shona from our Parents Group who worked with the P2B boys...
20th Jun 2016
Lewis in Primary 4 wrote a letter to JK Rowling saying what a big fan he was of her...
16th Jun 2016
The P2 children had a wonderful start to their Pirate Day when their Mums, Dads,...
27th May 2016
The children had great fun during sports day. There was a great turnout from parents,...