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Oakgrove Integrated Primary & Nursery School, Limavady


2015/2016 School Year

3rd Mar 2016
Karen Healy from Cregan Country Park visited P1 to teach us all about wildlife. ...
1st Mar 2016
As part of Integration week primary 5 visit local churches in the area and learn...
1st Mar 2016
Primary 4 visited the Centre for Contemporary Arts to look at the work of artist...
29th Feb 2016
Many thanks to our collaboration partner, Foyle International for their continued...
29th Feb 2016
Many thanks to our collaboration partner, Foyle International for their continued...
29th Feb 2016
Primary 4 put on their coats and hats this week and walked across the Peace Bridge...
19th Feb 2016
'Something Special' came in to work with primary 5A in a bullying awareness workshop....
12th Feb 2016
Some of our Eco Councillors were invited to St. Columb's Park today to talk about...
10th Feb 2016
The canteen at Oakgrove IPSN are getting ready for the Valentine's Day lunch. ...
10th Feb 2016
Primary 3 had lots of fun today writing valentine poems and creating cards.