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Oakgrove Integrated Primary & Nursery School, Limavady


2014/2015 School Year

23rd Apr 2015
On Monday 20th April eleven of our Primary 7 boys took part in helping to build 5...
22nd Apr 2015
Primary 5 and Primary 6 children were privilaged to be the first to experience...
22nd Apr 2015
Oakgrove IPSN Choir opened the Association of Principal Teachers in Integrated Schools...
22nd Apr 2015
Well done to everyone who wore their Christmas jumpers in December to raise funds...
15th Apr 2015
We are having a busy week with visits from Jo Jingles and the opticians.
24th Mar 2015
  On Friday 20th March, Primary 4A walked up to Corrody Hill to see David Best's...
18th Mar 2015
Primary 5A were delighted to be given the opportunity to meet the American artist,...
13th Mar 2015
Melody is in Oakgrove Integrated P.S. on a 3 week placement from France. She...
12th Mar 2015
Congratulations to all the children in Primary 7 who celebrated their faiths and...
12th Mar 2015
Congratulations to Marcie from P7A and her hockey team Priorians who came second...