Welcome to Oakgrove
A warm welcome to the parent area of the website. If you have any questions we hope that you will find all the answers here. If not, don't hesistate to contact us and we will be able to help.
Oakgrove is an integrated school. It was set up by parents and other people interested in educating Catholic and Protestant children, together with others, in a spirit of openness and acceptance. It opened in September 1991 with 69 pupils on roll and rapidly increased in numbers. Child centredness and parental involvement are important aspects of integrated education and the development of high self esteem among children and staff is an important feature of the school ethos.
We recommend that you visit the class area for you child and also the subject areas where you will find lots of games to help support learning.
If you are a parent or a carer of a child that uses the internet 'Thinkuknow' is an education initiative by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre. Parents can click here to read more.
Visit familysupportni.gov.uk for a quick and easy way to find information you need.
Oakgrove IPSN aims to promote high achievements and learning for life by workingwith children of different backgrounds - religion, culture, race, gender, ability to:
- Become happy, confident, polite, tolerant and caring people
- Develop high self-esteem
- Respect themselves, others and the environment
- Develop enquiring minds and a sense of wonder
- Become highly motivated, lifelong learners
- Be flexible , adaptable and skilled for the modern wider world
- Be able to work independently and with others
- Be good listeners and communicators
- Be sensitive, articulate and develop empathy
- Achieve individual potential - intellectually, physically, socially, spiritually, culturally, morally and emotionally
- Be able to problem solve, self-evaluate and goal set
At Oakgrove we believe each child will succeed through experiencing quality in the provision of:
- A welcoming, happy school which listens to children, parents and staff
- A broad, balanced challenging curriculum
- A stimulating and supportive learning environment
- An ethos of respect, discipline, challenge and encouragement to succeed
- An enriching extra curricular programme
- An ethos of respect, discipline, challenge and encouragement to succeed
- Learning partnerships between school, home and the community
- High expectation of children and staff
- Excellent, up-to-date learning resources and equipment
- Active, reflective and collaborative learning and teaching
- Safe, supported opportunities for discussion on diversity issues
- Teaching strategies that recognise different learning styles
- Special needs education across the ability spectrum
- Inspirational, enthusiastic and highly skilled teachers
- Cohesive, enthusiastic, well-motivated and valued staff
Behaviour Management
Behaviour Management
The school behaviour management policy, which includes an anti-bullying policy, has been drawn up following workshops involving parents, governors, staff and children. It stresses the importance of positive behaviour managementand encourages the development of self-discipline. Following a course on Assertive Discipline the teaching staff have worked together with their classes to produce a number of rules that are to be adhered to in each class & teacher.
These general rules should also be kept by all children at all times during the school day and are supported by a system of rewards and consequences. Each classroom has these rules, rewards and consequences prominently displayed and they are discussed with the children at the beginning of the school year.
- Safe
- Kind
- Ready to Learn
All incidents of bullying or anti social behaviour are reported to the Principal or Vice Principal and dealt with immediately. Serious incidents of misbehaviour may result in suspension. See Behaviour Management Policy.
The School Day
8.50 am - Children to classrooms
9.00 am - Lessons begin
10.45am - 11.00am Break Time
12.15pm - 1.00pm Lunch Time
2.00pm - P1 & P2 finish.
2.55 pm - P3 to P7 finish
Primary 1 & Primary 2 children who must wait for the buses will be supervised in the playground or resource area on wet days between 2.00 pm and 2.55 pm.
Key Stage 1 - Monday & Wednesday (10.30 – 10.45am)
Key Stage 2 - Tuesday & Thursday (10.30am - 10.45am)
Whole School – Friday (9.00am - 9.20am)
9.00am -11.30am (Morning Session)
12.30pm - 3.00pm (Afternoon Session)
School Uniform

- Grey Skirts/Jogging Bottoms
- Mint Polo Shirt
- Grey/White Socks/Tights
- Black shoes
- Oakgrove Sweatshirt
- Green/White gingham dress
- Grey Trousers/Jogging Bottoms
- Mint Polo Shirt
- Grey/White Socks
- Black Shoes
- Oakgrove Sweatshirt
Expression of Interest Forms
Designated Teachers

Meet our Designated Teachers:
- Mrs A Donaghey (Principal)
- Mr N Gill (Designated Teacher)
- Ms R Doherty (Deputy Designated Teacher)
- Ms E Barber (Deputy Designated Teacher)
- Ms C Sargent (Deputy Designated Teacher)
If you need to talk to anyone, they are always there for you, along with the rest of our staff.
School Policies
All policies are available, upon request from the school office. Please find below, our Oakgrove IPSN Social Media Policy.