School Community
The school community works with the children at the heart. There are a number of different groups that support the school:
- The parents, families and friends of the school
- N.I.C.I.E. (Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education)
- F.T.I.E. (Foyle Trust for Integrated Education)
- EA Western Region (Education Authority Western Region)
- D.E.N.I. (Department of Education for Northern Ireland)
Some of these groups elect or appoint representatives onto the school’s Board of Governors
- Parents elect four governors
- D.E.N.I. appoint four governors
- The staff appoint two governors
- The Foyle Trust elect six governors (including two parents)
BOARD OF GOVERNORS - September 2024-25
Mr Jonathan Gray(Chairperson) |
Mr Bill Woods |
Mrs Kathy Laverty |
Mr Tim Webster (Secretary) |
Mr Stanley Page |
Ms Rachel Kazaca |
Mr Charlie Hasson (Child Protection) |
Mrs Marie Cowan |
Mr Ian Bennett |
Mrs Catriona Sargent (Teacher Governor |
Mrs Roisin Crawford |
Mr Aaron McElhinney |
Ms Lorna Wilson (Teacher Governor) |
Mr Andrew Reynolds |
Mrs Sandra McDermott |
Mrs Charlotte Linstrom |
PRINCIPAL Mrs A Donaghey
Mrs Lorna Wilson
- Mr T Keenan
- Mrs Julie Young
- Ms L McCorkell
- Mrs L Veevers
- Mrs C Sargent
- Mrs A McMonagle
- Ms H Slattery
- Mrs E O’Hagan
- Mrs A Williamson
- Ms E Sweeney
- Mr J McGurk
- Miss C Carlin
- Ms E Barber
- Ms S Bartlett
- Mrs C Lally
- Miss Z Gregg
- Mrs C Laverty
- Mrs M Whoriskey
- Ms L Concannon
- Mrs M Morrow
- Ms R Martin
- Ms A McCormick
- Mrs R Shipley
- Mrs C Ross
- Miss T Browne
- Mrs W Hamilton
- Miss C Williams
- Mrs Z Donnell
- Mrs N Curran
- Miss M Duffy
- Ms J Holland
- Mrs E Spratt
- Ms A Hassan
- Mrs L Kerr
- Ms J Wray
- Ms E Moran
- Mrs J Heath
- Mrs C McClean Gorman
- Mrs L McMonagle
- Miss S McElhinney
- Ms G Callen
- Ms R Christie
- Mrs A Hannaway
- Mrs J Lacey
- Mr A Kivelehan
- Mrs M Wray
- Ms L Carey
- Mrs N Rosborough
- Mrs R Sherrard
- Mr A Doney
- Ms T Sherrard
- Mr M Campbell
- Miss C LeMoignan
- Mrs L Duffy
- Ms E McGaughey
- Miss S Curran
- Miss B Gallagher
- Miss Z Kivelehan
- Mrs O Kurilova
- Miss AJ Sherrard
Office Staff
- Mrs C McGee
- Mrs S Barrett
Caretaker/Cleaner Supervisor:
- Mr I Barber
- Mr A Doney
- Mrs Martina Bradley
- Ms Edina Dabasi
- Mr Adrian Doney
- Ms H McArthur
Kitchen Assistants
- Mrs L Craig
- Mrs R Carr
- Mrs L McKnight
School Meals Administrator:
- Mrs S Barrett
Mid Day Supervisory Assistants:
- Mr A Doney
- Mrs J Heath
- Ms R Shipley
- Mrs L Stewart
- Mrs M Bradley
- Ms E Dabasi